The 7 Most Common Handicapped Parking Violators
Everywhere around the country there are people illegally parking in handicapped spots. It happens all of the time. And when you become a wheelchair-user after a spinal cord injury, you begin to notice how bad the problem is.
The best thing we can do as wheelchair-users who need these spaces is to educate the public whenever possible. This is why you should share this link from the blog Spin the Globe: The purpose of stripes next to the handicap parking. This video explains what the stripes next to these spots are for. The average Joe or Jane doesn't understand the importance of this area.
It doesn't matter if you are in California, NYC or in the middle of the country, you tend to see the same types of handicapped parking violators. Remember, it is never a good idea to commit vandalism to a car even if they are illegally parked. Instead, call the police. Always call if you see a handicap parking violator. Just know, the cops may arrive too late, or not at all in some cases.
We do recommend acquiring “awareness cards,” which can be placed under the windshield wiper of an offending vehicle to let them know they are illegally parked and that it affected your life. They may not care, but it is still a good public service thing to do. Here is a great example of one found on Etsy:
Now let's get to those parking violators. You know they’re out there; they are just lazy.
1. Parking Stripes Violator
Also known as the “crosshatch” area, the parking stripes next to handicap parking spots are some of the most critical aspects of handicapped parking spots. This extra area allows for wheelchair users to deploy the ramp on their van, or get in and out of their vehicle if they are transferring. Simply put, we need this extra space to get into our cars. Sadly, the general public doesn't know this and will often use it in a variety of ways. Here is a common example of this in action. When this occurs, the best you can do is called police and put a note under their windshield wiper.
2. Sports Car Violator
Maybe we all just notice them more because they stick out, but it sure seems like there are more sports cars illegally parked in handicap spots than other vehicles. Everybody wants these choice spots, and the people who drive sports cars and take these spots surely stick out. But why do they do it? Maybe it’s because their car is expensive and they want to see it from inside the establishment they are visiting. There is no excuse, however, for parking illegally in handicapped parking spots, even if your car does cost more than others in the parking lot.
3. Ramp Blocker

There is nothing more maddening than having a car park too close to your vehicle and not being able to deploy your ramp. If you do try to deploy your ramp and it ends up hitting their car, it could end up being a tiring insurance claim process. In this case it's best to try to find the owner or have the establishment send out a message over the PA for the driver to move their car.
4. The Motorcycle Violator
No matter where you are, it always seems someone with a motorcycle thinks they can create their own parking spot, and they often use sections of handicapped parking spots, i.e. the striped area, to create their new spot. It can be incredibly frustrating when you return to your vehicle to find your vehicle blocked by a motorcycle. Do not tip over any motorcycle. Again, not worth the legal repercussions. Always call the police, or even have the establishment put a call out over the PA for the driver.
5. Cop Violator
Oh the sweet, sweet irony of finding our protectors in blue parking in these coveted spots. While there may be some instances when it’s needed, such as needing to park close to the establishment to find someone quickly, typically this is just another example of taking a shortcut. We usually recommend calling the police when you see this happen, but in this instance, contact the sheriff directly.
6. Double Parker Violator
Not everyone who has handicapped parking tags gets off the hook. Quite often you'll find someone with a handicap parking placard parked in a handicapped spot so badly they’re double parked, or parked in some other crazy/wonky way. Many old people have handicapped parking placards which explains some of these bad parking jobs, but it is still no excuse. Everyone, young or old, should always park in between the lines. If you find that you double park and it is difficult for you to park in the lines, you may not be equipped to drive.
7. Delivery Truck Violator

Whether it is an Amazon delivery truck, a mailman, the garbage truck or the UPS driver, quite often you'll find truck drivers parked illegally in handicapped parking spots. It is an easier way for them to get their job done and they can get in and out, but it is no excuse. You never know when someone who has a real disability may actually need to use those spots. When this occurs, always call the company the truck is from to report the parking violation.
Bonus: Yes, a ticket!
And just for fun, here is a photo of someone finally getting a ticket for parking in a handicapped parking spot illegally - a U-Haul parked in a hotel parking lot. We don't care if the truck is big, there is still no excuse for parking in handicapped parking.
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